Save Time with Multi-column Modifiers

Practical Multi-Column Modifiers
When using Multi-Column Modifiers you are now able to streamline the process it takes to place an order. With this simplified method even your newest employee can learn quickly and keep the line moving.
How often do your guests customize their orders or make substitutions? We understand that you’re on a mission to give your customers what they want. So instead of taking time to swipe through different screens to find an item or customization, we make it easy by keeping everything right in view.
Multi-Column Modifiers help eliminate time and error by keeping all of your options on one easy to read screen.Customize your display so you and your staff are never stuck clicking through endless screens for that one special item.
Reducing your ordering time with our multi-column modifiers is like getting a better job – it’s impressive and what a time saver it is!
Benefits of Multi-Column Modifiers